domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010


The Internet has opened a whole new world of opportunity to those who need or want to learn English. Instead of being required to go to regular classes and study with a teacher in a traditional setting, which many do not have time to do, those who want to learn English can now do so from the comfort of their own homes on the computer.

ACTION VERBS!!!! Kids in my school are struggling with Action Verbs, that is why I'm building this blog so parents can log in and help their kids with this subject.

What is an Action Verb?


Recognize an action verb when you see one.

Explode! Scream! Sneeze! Type! Kick! What are these words doing? They are expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do. As a result, we call these words action verbs. Look at the examples below:

In the library and at church, Michele giggles inappropriately.
Giggling is something that Michele can do.
          Because of the spicy Jamaican pepper, David reached for his glass of iced tea.
Reaching is something that David can do—happily, if his mouth is on fire.
          Carlos watched pretty women in skimpy bikinis parading on the beach.
Watching is something that Carlos can do.
           The alarm clock buzzed like an angry bumblebee.
Buzzing is something that the alarm clock can do.
            The coffee maker gurgled on the kitchen counter.
Gurgling is something that the coffee maker can do.
If you are unsure whether a sentence contains an action verb or not, look at every word in the sentence and ask yourself, "Can a person or thing do this?"

What is a Verb? What is an Action Verb?

What is a verb? The meaning or definition of a Verb is as follows "A verb is a word which implies action or the doing of something, or it may be defined as a word which affirms, commands or asks a question". But what is a Action verb? 'Action verbs' are quite simply, something that a person or thing can do!

Action Verbs
  • Action verbs are something that a person or thing can do may be used alone as the main verb of a sentence e.g. run, jump, reach, swim, walked, fell etc.
  • Action verbs can also be actions you can't see such as 'thought' or 'wanted'
  • Action verbs can be time-telling verbs. They tell when something takes place - in the present, in the future or in the past.

Students and Action Verbs

Read the story and find the action verbs!!!!

Action Verbs: Active Anna

anna.gif (18742 bytes)Here is a little story to help you learn about Action Verbs. Identify the Action Verbs

       Anna (Action/Verb) jumped from bed on Monday. She ran to the breakfast table, doing three cartwheels on the way.
       "Anna, you are too active!" said Mrs. Action/Verb.
       "So?" Anna replied as she leapt out the door.
      She raced her friend, Donna Direct-Object, all the way to school. But she couldn't sit still. Ms. Sentence, the teacher, tapped her ruler on her desk and said, "Anna, SIT STILL!"
       "Yes, ma'am," Anna said as she picked up her pencil.
        When the class lined up for Art, Patrick Pronoun whispered, "You'd better stop being so active. You'll get into trouble." But Anna was seeing how long she could hop on one foot and not trip over Donna.
       The Art teacher, Mrs. Preposition, was showing the class how to draw snowflakes when Anna tipped over in her chair. Then she did five somersaults right into a table. Anna got a bruise on her forehead and had to go to the nurse.
       Then Mr. Noun, the principal, wrote a note home to Anna's parents. And can you guess what Mr. and Mrs. Action/Verb decided? No gymnastics, Anna's favorite class, for a week!
       So Anna learned to do flips only in gymnastics and to learn in school instead.


Action Verbs, 2006, Retrieved December 19, 2010, from

The Action Verbs, 2010, Retrieved December 18, 2010, from

Kev Brockschmidt: Illustrator, 2009, Retrieves December 1, 2010 from